Irrigation is down. We are sorry for the delay. American was out Thursday but no status has been given for the repair as of yet.
The board is following up on Monday to get an ETA.
Update 3/6/2023 – Angie has been reaching out to them regularly since last Thursday including today. She is expecting a call from them tomorrow at 9am to get status. As soon as I here back I will post here and on site.
That being said if you need to water you may just want to use sprinkler.
Unfortunately our system is an all or or all off deal. Leaks are and will continue to be, as our community ages, a more frequent problem.
Update 3/7/2023 – Angie Hall had a call with American Irrigation this morning. They are working on the estimate for us but couldn’t give us an update as to when they will be out (not this week – was stated). That being said we are looking at other Irrigation companies as American has been less than satisfactory in the last 6 months or so after years of excellent service.
We will update you shortly. Sorry for the incredibly disappointing news.
Update 3/8/2023 – Waterfall Irrigation is out on scene. Hopefully the irrigation will be fixed today. Thank you Angie!