Gulf Coast Property Management (941) 213-4801

There have been a lot of discussions about what to do about the hogs destroying homeowners yards lately.


There has been a catcher deployed by the HOA in the past but proven tremendously ineffective at slowing down or stopping these hogs.  Remember we are really in their original territory and their space options, with continued construction in our area, have made this even more of a problem.


Just a reminder and then some suggestions in my research.


Keep safety in mind. These are wild animals and can get very mean and be dangerous. 


The only for sure method at keeping these hogs out of your yard would be a fence. 


That being said, alternatives that may work can be found on this website which seemed like a pretty good set of ideas. 




Those suggestions included; liquid spray repellant, water spraying repeller, and ultra sound repellers. 


Again, just my 2 cents as a concerned homeowner.